Wealth Acumen, Inc.

Services Offered

Portfolio Management

Our portfolio management services are appropriate for investors in either the accumulation stage (building funds for future use) or the distribution stage (withdrawing funds to meet retirement lifestyle needs or other goals).  We develop a tailored Investment Policy Statement for each client so it is clearly understood what investment vehicles may be used, what portfolio allocation may be expected and what level of portfolio risk is desired.  We typically require an aggregate minimum balance of $500,000 to begin utilizing our portfolio management services and our fee schedule is reduced for aggregate balances of $1,000,000 or more.  We believe our services are ideally suited to those clients for whom we manage $2,500,000 or more of portfolio assets because their combined total investment expenses typically run less than 1.00% of assets and we include their annual financial plan updates at no additional charge.

Financial Planning

Most clients begin the relationship by having us prepare a comprehensive basic financial plan to establish a firm foundation from which we can develop appropriate strategic solutions.  The plan focuses on identifying all important life goals and desires (many of which only indirectly relate to financial matters) and creating tax-efficient, risk-appropriate strategies to attain the identified goals.  We then create a tailored Personal Action Plan to present our recommendations and to provide guidance through the implementation phase of the planning process.  The plan includes preparation of a current net worth statement, cash flow statement and analysis of federal and state income taxes.  We also prepare detailed projections of lifetime expected annual net worth, cash flows and income taxes so we can be comfortable that the cash flows required to meet lifestyle needs are released at the appropriate time and with proper consideration to the impact of income taxes.

Specific Consulting

We offer a limited variety of specific consulting services on a fee-only basis.  For example, we may provide certain accounting-related services or provide certain litigation support services.  All such services are individually negotiated as to scope, duration and cost.


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