Wealth Acumen, Inc.

Our Approach

Objective advice tailored to your best interests

We sell NO products and accept NO commissions.  We act in a fiduciary capacity when making recommendations to you, so you can be confident that our advice is objective, unbiased and offered with your best interests in mind.

Focus on your goals and desired lifestyle

Our success is not measured solely on portfolio performance achieved or tax savings produced but on our ability to help you attain your established goals and comfortably acquire your desired lifestyle.  When you are free to devote your time and energy to pursuing a personally meaningful, wholly fulfilling life, then we are successfully achieving our purpose.

Low-cost, highly-diversified passive investments

Like many institutional investors and large pension funds, we utilize Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in our managed portfolios because they offer broad diversification with exceptionally low costs.  We also generally utilize individual bond holdings because they allow us to specifically control the timing of cash flows and avoid the higher costs frequently associated with mutual fund holdings.

Emphasis on tax-efficient approaches

Because your lifestyle needs must be met from after-tax returns, we continually seek to utilize tax-efficient approaches whenever doing so does not violate your agreed level of investment risk tolerance.

Personal commitment to inspire and coach you

Since financial considerations permeate virtually every aspect of life, the best advisors must combine fundamental financial skills with an uncanny ability to perceive the essential hopes, dreams and fears of each client.  This only occurs in relationships that are warm, safe and trusting.  Such relationships take significant time to develop and require the personal attention of the advisor.  For this reason, the company’s founder intends to limit the practice to only 50 clients so that each one receives direct, individual attention and exceptional service.

© 2007 - 2021  Wealth Acumen, Inc.   All rights reserved.